Why do Cats Vomit

6fe0af8082Many cats have a chronic condition of throwing up food. Some get nauseated for no particular reason. With little care and attention you can cure this condition. Find out why your cat vomits – is she sick or is she eating her food very quickly.

Although Nausea is Usual in Cats, yet it can Reduced be so that it is Manageable
Consider this: your beautiful Siberian cat is slowly getting cosy in your living room. Just when you thought you’d pick her up to cuddle, she throws up and messes the costly carpet in the room. You might be disgusted initially, but remember she is still a lovable pet you can have.

If you have a pet cat, you must know how to manage vomiting in cats as this is very common with feline species. Once you know the reason behind the cat’s retching, you can find ways to prevent it – and often, cure it. For situations that are far beyond your control, you must visit the vet for treatment.

When Your Cat is Otherwise Fine
Some experts say that retching is common in cats and those that vomit just after eating their meal does not actually have a health related problem. They are actually eating their food fast – as this is their inherent quality – and as a result the stomach becomes reactive. The cat feels nauseated and after a bout of queasiness, it is fine again.

Cats throw up for other reasons as well. For instance, it may eat something which it should not have eaten, such as a rodent or a lizard. Its body rejects the food and the cat vomits. When unmindful, they may also lick waste thrown in the garbage bin. A disagreeable food is then thrown up.

The cats also have a habit of eating grass. It does so to purposely vomit and clean its stomach. This is necessary because it has a habit of ingesting a large amount of body hair while grooming its body. Hair balls are formed which are eliminated through vomits. Grasses help to bring out the trapped hair strands in the intestine and stomach.

When Your Cat is Sick
Does your cat retch almost at all times and this condition is for more than a week? If so, find out the reason behind it. Perhaps it has gastric problems, parasitic attack, hormonal problems, kidney or pancreatic disease, or infection. There can be many reasons or more than one reason why your pet cat can have an unsettled stomach.

Common problems are gastric diseases, poisoning, foreign body apart from food in the stomach, or a heat stroke. You can try to stop this by giving it some dry food first and use a special cat bowl to deter the cat from eating quickly from its plate. You can give your pet frequent food but in a lesser quantity each time.

Seeking Help from Vet
If your cat is frequently vomiting for the last 10 days or so you should seek the help of a vet. Vomits that give a bad odour, has blood laced with it, or accompanied by diarrhoea and stomach pain must be at once brought to the notice of a vet. High temperature is quite critical condition as well for a cat.

Make sure you check the matter that comes out with the vomit so that you can help the vet find out the actual cause for the problem. Hair balls, worms, undigested food material, odour and colour must be taken into account when your cat throws up food.

Still have a question on your pet’s health condition? Write to our pet counsellor for suggestion.

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