Cat Sitter


When You Are Away- Siberian cats

The options open to you when you must leave your siberian cat for more than a day or two have impacts greater than you may realize. For an indoor siberian cat presumably you will have their fundamental protection as the reason for keeping them inside. Additionally the realistic expenses that can occur when they are outdoor cats are not to be taken lightly: veterinarian bills due to injuries, illnesses, diseases not to mention accidents that can take a cats life earlier than expected. All these arguably can be avoided when kept indoors.

However, when it comes to caring for them when one is absent- that can become problematic. Having a daily or even live-in pet sitter is one of your best options both from a safety stand-point and expense involved. You can control what, when, and how your pet is cared for while being assured that no outside cat can pass on any diseases.

Furthermore the cat is not stressed as it stays in its familiar surroundings. This is critical to most cats. The normal regimen of food, medications if any, and care and play-time are much preserved by the in-home pet sitter.

Being a siberian cat even the issue of potential allergic reaction on the sitter is far less due to their famed hypo-allergenic traits. The second option of a neighbor or friend whom could essentially provide the same care as the cat-sitter is possibly the best one and has the added benefit of presumably no payment involved. The cat may well be acquainted with the sitter and this lowers the stress level despite your pet wondering where you are.

The last option is the worst and should only be considered in the light of ‘no-other-choice available’ – that of a ‘boarding cattery’. Expense goes up, risk of infection goes up as does the potential for mixing up of meals with other cats housed there. The shock of transporting to and then enduring strange surroundings bombarded by the presence of numerous other felines can be overwhelming for any cat used to staying inside and alone. The prospect of ease and free roaming play is realistically non existent regardless of what cattery owners may say.

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